What is Astigmatism
Video Transcription Speaker: Like, like an alarm. Dr. King: What kind of clock? Like a wall clock? Dr. Cha: Yeah. Like a wall clock. Yeah. Yeah I noticed I don’t have a clock in my living room, so like[...]
Video Transcription Speaker: Like, like an alarm. Dr. King: What kind of clock? Like a wall clock? Dr. Cha: Yeah. Like a wall clock. Yeah. Yeah I noticed I don’t have a clock in my living room, so like[...]
Video Transcription Speaker: Go for it. Okay, go for it. Dr. King: Oh, I’m adjusting my attitude. Dr. Cha: We need a masseuse that comes in here like once a month. Speaker: I know. Dr. King: Or a bartender. Hi.[...]
Video Transcription Dr. Cha: Hair check. Hair check. Dr. King: Oh yeah. I actually put goo in. Dr. King: I’m gonna be taller than you. Dr. Cha: It’s fine. Story of my life. Dr. King: Mine too. Oh, hi, Dr.[...]
Video Transcription Dr. Cha: Do we have our super foods for lunch? Yes. Dr. King: Yes. Dr. Leah: There are superfoods. Dr. Cha: Oh, that’d be great. If we had like visual eggs, like blueberries and like kale. Dr. King:[...]
Video Transcription Dr. Cha: Gosh! These floaters! Voice exercises, muah, muah. Dr. King: Muahhhh. Me-mae-ma-mae-me. The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain. See I told you I was gonna be a theatre major until my parents threatened me.[...]
Video Transcription Dr. King: Hey, Dr… Dr. Cha: You good? Dr. King: I forgot my name. Dr. Cha: You’ll remember it eventually. Dr. King: Yeah. I’ve only been using it for decades. Hey y’all. Dr. King here. Dr. Cha: Dr.[...]
Video Transcription Dr. Cha: You wanna start? I wanna start, forgot did last time. Dr. King: I, I had this really catchy opening and it’s gone. Dr. Cha: Oh, you had something? Dr. King: Are we filming already? Hey, welcome[...]
Video Transcription Dr. King: Hey there. Welcome back to Days of Our Eyes. I’m Dr. King. Dr. Cha: And I’m Dr. Cha. Dr. King: And on today’s episode we’re gonna be talking about ocular migraines. What are they? Isn’t it,[...]
Video Transcription Dr. King: Hi, and welcome to Days Of Our Eyes. I’m Dr. King. Dr. Cha: And I’m Dr. Cha. Dr. King: In today’s video, we’ll be talking about amblyopia, also known as lazy eye. What is it? Can’t[...]
Video Transcription Dr. King: Hi, and welcome to Days of Our Eyes. I’m Dr. King. I’m Dr. Cha. In this video, we’ll be talking about dry eyes. Sounds pretty dry, right? Is it painful, treatable. Keep watching to find[...]