Dr. David Spivey: I’m an optometrist in Fort Worth, Texas. Life before cataract surgery was very challenging. It was difficult to drive at night due to glare, and it was also challenging because I couldn’t see up close when I was doing refractions. I had to put on reading glasses to see the chart and then take them off when talking with the patient.
Operating on and co-managing patients with referring doctors’ eyes is a privilege and an honor. I know that when I was operating on my own eyes, I had seen the evolution of cataract surgery over the past three decades. I’ve seen lens replacement technology change drastically over those 35 years. One of the reasons I didn’t want to go with conventional multifocal lenses is because I knew those patients often had a lot of glare at night.
One of the first patients I treated with the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) was a patient of Dr. Spivey, and she had fantastic results. Dr. Spivey called me and asked, “Hey, what is this Light Adjustable Lens technology that you put in one of my patients?” We had a long conversation about how the technology worked.
The reason I recommend the LAL to my patients is because it allows them to really dial in what they want to see after cataract surgery. The LAL is truly unique in that it offers the best of both worlds for day and night vision.
Over the last year, I’ve had several of my patients return after I referred them to Dr. Strange for LAL surgery. The patients were extremely satisfied with the results. After seeing them in my chair, I knew it was time for me to have the procedure as well. It was an easy choice for me to go with the Light Adjustable Lens replacement because it was the best option on the market.
I was very impressed with the LAL because, at a very early stage, I was able to go back to functioning at a much higher level. The response of my patients to the Light Adjustable Lens has been nothing short of amazing. I do a lot of premium IOLs in my practice, and I can confidently say that Light Adjustable Lens patients are by far the happiest compared to all the other lens options available.
It’s truly rewarding to see a patient go through the process where they are actively involved in determining their outcome. By far, the LAL has been the best addition to our portfolio of IOLs here at Alliance Vision Institute.
Of all the things I’ve experienced in my life, this is one of the most amazing. Vision is one of the most precious gifts we have, and having my vision restored—better than it was when I was younger—is a true blessing.