Dry Eye Treatment

When you visit Alliance Vision Institute, you’re choosing a team of compassionate experts who take the time to learn about your vision needs and tailor your treatment accordingly. That dedication is clear in our treatment of dry eye disease, where we use advanced technology to provide you with fast — and lasting — relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of dry eye.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye disease is an exceedingly common condition when your eyes aren’t getting enough hydration from your tears. Though there are many different causes of dry eye, they tend to have similar symptoms, such as stinging, burning, redness, scratchy eyes, watery eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and difficulty with night vision. Dry eye syndrome is also exacerbated by arid, dry weather — just like how Fort Worth, TX often is!

AVI Optometrists Explain Dry Eye

Types of Dry Eye Syndrome

While there are quite a few causes and types of dry eye, the two most common varieties are evaporative dry eye and aqueous dry eye. Alliance Vision Institute is proud to offer personalized relief for patients suffering from either form.

Evaporative Dry Eye Disease

Evaporative dry eye is caused by tears that dry up too quickly, typically due to blocked meibomian glands, which normally produce oil that prevents your tears from drying out. Other factors, such as skin conditions or wearing contacts for too long, can also cause evaporative dry eye.

Aqueous Dry Eye Disease

Aqueous dry eye is due to your eyes not producing enough tears. The gland responsible for tear production, the lacrimal gland, is unable to create the tears needed to hydrate your eyes, either due to functional issues, disease, or sometimes nutritional deficits and dehydration.

Dry Eye Treatment at Alliance Vision Institute

We’re experts with advanced treatments that help relieve your symptoms quickly so you can get back to enjoying your vision. Our team examines your eyes closely — and listens to how you have been affected by the symptoms of dry eye — to tailor a treatment plan that fits your eyes and lifestyle. While every case is different, our doctors commonly use one or a combination of the following treatment options:


LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation Therapy is an in-office procedure that meaningfully treats dry eye in only 15 minutes. LipiFlow® gently applies thermal energy directly to meibomian glands to unblock them using a combination of gentle heat and pressure. The entire process is safe, comfortable, and doesn’t require any recovery time. Effects also typically improve with multiple sessions.


BlephEx® is an in-office procedure that precisely spins a soft, medical micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes. When performed by a professional, this painless treatment clears bacterial biofilm that has built up in that area over time. This short 10-minute process is repeated every four to six months for maximum effect, with no downtime needed in between visits.

Intense pulsed light (IPL)

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is an innovative technique used at Alliance Vision Institute that targets specific areas of the body with targeted pulses of light energy. The light is absorbed by the skin tissue to activate the body’s healing mechanisms, which can rejuvenate the glands affected by dry eye and relieve inflammation from dry eye. This pain-free procedure takes less than 30 minutes and requires virtually no recovery time.

Meet Your Vision Correction Doctors

Our doctors are more than simply trained in using cutting-edge technology to treat your vision, they’re experts with decades of experience of helping patients see more clearly. Thousands of patients have already experienced the difference our doctors can make, and our doctors are excited to help you see your very best.

Schedule Your Dry Eye Evaluation

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